
Woodberry Coffee Box

  • Regular price SGD 33.90

We heard you! Now you can enjoy the perfect cup of coffee anytime, anywhere with your choice of drip bags from your favourite coffee roasters. Simply choose between a box of 10 or 20 drip bags, and you're all set to brew a fresh, flavourful cup in minutes.

El Salvador Tres Pozos Pacamara – Light Roast
Experience the vibrant flavours of El Salvador Tres Pozos Pacamara with notes of apricot, brown sugar, and berry. A bright, fruit-forward cup with a light roast.

El Salvador Buena Esperanza – Medium Roast
Enjoy the smooth, balanced flavours of El Salvador Buena Esperanza with hints of cherry, lime, and almond. A medium roast that offers a refreshing, well-rounded cup.